How Much Money Can You Make With That Knowledge You've Got?
Human Computer Interaction is a field of study that can be utilized in many diverse fields of careers. One of which is Web Design, its theoretical foundation has come from HCI (Zaphiris and Sri vi-vii).
Possible Careers With a MS in HCI:
Career Titles | Average Salary ($) |
Entrepreneur | 67,000 |
User Experience Researcher | 77,000 |
Usability Analyst | 81,000 |
Human Factors Engineer | 85,000 |
User Interface Designer | 85,000 |
User Experience Designer | 87,000 |
Interaction Designer | 88,000 |
Usability Engineer | 88,000 |
Web Developer | 88,000 |
Application Developer | 92,000 |
Software Developer | 92,000 |
Information Architect | 101,000 |